Notebook / Blog

Rather than a blog, I like to think of this space as a personal notebook that is open and available for all to see. If I'm already keeping notes for my own various uses, why not share them publicly and hopefully provide value to others as well?

Zoom defaults to "Active Speaker" view when a meeting is recorded to the cloud. For smaller meetings and classes, you might instead want the "gallery view" so you have a better view of everyone in the meeting.


Good news! For cloud recordings, you can change the default recording view from "active speaker" to "gallery view". (Note: To my knowledge, this option is not available for "local recordings" but I have yet to test this fully).


Fortune Cookie: Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win.


I reacted negatively at first to this, like it was encouraging me to not take chances and be mediocre. Then I realized small victories lead to larger successes. Breaking down goals and aspirations into smaller, more manageable steps makes stepping a lot easier.


Photo: Germantown Ave, Chestnut Hill, in bloom today, 3/29/2020.

Bookmarking your FTP/SFTP settings in BBEdit makes re-connecting to servers a lot easier, especially when you include the "Path", which means you will get dropped back into the same directory each time.

1. Start by opening BBEdit and clicking File->New FTP/SFTP Browser.

2. For the connection settings, enter your SFTP server, username and password. Optionally, add the "Path" -- that is, the directory on the server you'd like to immediately go to, if you want to and know it. Otherwise, you will be dropped into the default location on the server when you connect.

To my creative friends:


I once heard advice to start every day by creating something — anything!


You’ll feel better knowing you created and be better able to take on the less creative, monotonous things you have to do throughout the day.


I’m sharing this now, because I feel like it is more true and necessary than ever.



Photograph: Down the shore in February, back when doing stuff was still a thing

If you send and receive a lot of text messags, especially ones with images and photographs, you may find that your Mac Messages application is taking up a LOT of precious space. Here are options for recovering storage space that is being used by your text messages and photo attachments:

Consider the advice and suggestions of others but follow your own heart and dreams. Live your life now.


Photo: Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 3/31/2018.

What good is a textbook on a shelf? Knowledge is important but if and how you apply it is what counts. Imagination is the ultimate application of your personal experiences, thoughts and knowledge.


Photograph: Vancouver, BC, Canada. 1/2020.

Had a great conversation related to this. The mind gets in the way of creating. If you can get over mental hurdles of perfectionism, getting things right the first time, judgement, and other similar self-sabotages, you free yourself to create.


Photograph: The wonderful Big Pine Key, Florida. October 2019

It’s so easy to overthink things. Do more of what you love, less of what you don’t, and enjoy the moment.


Photograph: Sunset on the bay down the shore on Saturday. One of the last of 2019.