If I only ever post a handful of blog posts in my life, I want this to be one of them because it's one of the most important lessons I've ever learned.
If you ask for something in life, you'll be surprised by how often you'll get a yes.
I was in a class one time and we were sent out with an assignment for one hour to go out into the world and get as many NOs as possible. Whoever got the most NOs won. As long as we weren't breaking any law, anything was fair game. People came up with some really zany things.
- One student went into the Panera and asked for a free coffee and they said yes
- Another student went into the furniture store and asked for a discount on a bed frame. The owner offered 20% off. I didn't think that was negotiable!
- It was raining outside and one student asked a complete stranger if they could share their umbrella as they were walking down the street. The unexpecting stranger was perhaps in a state of shock, but agreed!
Since this class, I've successfully applied this and asked for the following things:
- lower apartment rent prices
- job promotions
- better office spaces at work
- better deals and longer stays for vacation rentals and travel
As it turns out, I very rarely have been told "no" when I've made a reasonable request. These are things that I would never have done if I hadn't learned this one lesson in life.
Most people don't bother to ask for things they want, or even need, in life because they assume they are going to be told no. They fear being told "no"...they fear that feeling of rejection or failure.
I encourage you; If you want something and it's reasonable, go for it. Just ask and you'll be surprised. Just see what happens. If you're prepared for the no, or even testing to see if you'll get it now, you'll be surprised how many times you get a yes...And it can change your life for the better. I hope this helps.
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